Dynamic Metadata

Table of Contents


Dynamic metadata is metadata added to a source image that changes the image identifying hash.

Add dynamic metadata to a source image

To add dynamic metadata to a source image, you need to provide the organization, the identifying hash of the image, the name of the dynamic metadata and the values to add. Do this by making a PUT request to https://api.rokka.io/sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/meta/dynamic/{name}

rokka will generate a new image with a new identifying hash, the same binary hash and meta data and return the new location in the Location header of the response. This newly created image and the previous one are not especially connected (besides having the same binary hash), so if you change meta data on one image later, it won't propagate to the other.

If an image with the new hash already exists, it won't be created, but the existing one will be used and returned. Existing meta data won't be copied/overwritten in this case.

If you don't need the previous image to be kept on rokka, you can directly delete it with the ?deletePrevious=true parameter.

In the following example, we are adding a subject area to an image.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT 'https://api.rokka.io/sourceimages/testorganization/0dcabb778d58d07ccd48b5ff291de05ba4374fb9/meta/dynamic/subject_area' -d '{
        "width": 20, 
        "height": 20, 
        "x": 0, 
        "y": 0
use Rokka\Client\Core\DynamicMetadata\SubjectArea;

$client = \Rokka\Client\Factory::getImageClient('testorganization', 'apiKey');

$hash = '0dcabb778d58d07ccd48b5ff291de05ba4374fb9';

$dynamicMetadata = new SubjectArea(0, 0, 30, 230);

$newHash = $client->setDynamicMetadata($dynamicMetadata, $hash, 'testorganization', ['deletePrevious' => false]);

echo 'Updated subject area. New image hash: ' . $newHash . PHP_EOL;

You can also directly provide metadata when you first upload an image. See Source images for details.

Delete dynamic metadata from a source image

To delete dynamic metadata from a source image, you need to provide the organization, the identifying hash of the image and the name of the dynamic metadata. Do this by making a DELETE request to https://api.rokka.io/sourceimages/{organization}/{hash}/meta/dynamic/{name}

As in adding dynamic meta data, rokka will generate a new image with a new identifying hash, the same binary hash and meta data and return the new location in the Location header of the response. If an image with the new hash already exists, it won't be created, but the existing one will be used and returned. Eventually existing meta data won't be copied/overwritten in this case.

If you don't need the previous image to be kept on rokka, you can directly delete it with the ?deletePrevious=true parameter.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X DELETE 'https://api.rokka.io/sourceimages/testorganization/0dcabb778d58d07ccd48b5ff291de05ba4374fb9/meta/dynamic/subject_area?deletePrevious=true'

Supported metadata objects

Subject area

The subject area of an image is a box defined by its width, height and the coordinates of its starting point (top-left corner). In pixels (of the full sized image) or percentage.

Setting the subject area of an image allows the Crop operation (when used with the auto anchor), to center the cropping box around the defined SubjectArea. For further details see the Crop operation

You can use the SubjectArea to specify the most important part of the image, the part that should be retained at any size.


  • x (required): Integer. The x-offset of the starting point, in pixels or percentage.
  • y (required): Integer. The y-offset of the starting point, in pixels or percentage.
  • width: Integer. The width of the subject area, in pixels or percentage. The default value is 1.
  • height: Integer. The height of the subject area, in pixels or percentage. The default value is 1.
  • percentage: Boolean. If the parameters above are in percentage instead of pixels

Crop area

Works similarly to the subject area object. But an image will always be cropped exactly at the defined area. This is especially useful with the Multi area format mentioned below.

If Subject area and Crop area are set, Subject area is used.


  • x (required): Integer. The x-offset of the starting point, in pixels.
  • y (required): Integer. The y-offset of the starting point, in pixels.
  • width (required): Integer. The width of the subject area, in pixels. The default value is 1.
  • height (required): Integer. The height of the subject area, in pixels. The default value is 1.

Multi areas

With the Mulit areas object, you can assign multiple Crop or Subject areas to one image and use them in a stack. This is especially useful, when you want to use a different section of a picture for different stacks. For example a 9:16 image should focus on different parts of an image than a 4:3 image.

Setting multi areas on an image:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT  https://api.rokka.io/sourceimages/testorganization/0dcabb778d58d07ccd48b5ff291de05ba4374fb9/meta/dynamic/multi_areas \
  -d '{
  "landscape_16_9":{"crop_area": {"width":1600,"height":900,"x":500,"y":400}},
  "portrait_3_4":{"crop_area": {"width":600,"height":800,"x":400,"y":300}}
$dynamicMetadata = new MultiAreas(['landscape_16_9' => [new CropArea(1600, 900, 500, 400)], 'portrait_3_4' => [new CropArea(600, 800, 400, 300)]]);
$newHash = $client->setDynamicMetadata($dynamicMetadata, $hash, 'test', ['deletePrevious' => false]);

After you set Multi areas on a picture, you can reference to them via stack settings for the crop operation and the parameter area. Eg. https://YOURORG.rokka.io/dynamic/crop-width-16-height-9-mode-ratio-area-landscape_16_9/0dcabb778d58d07ccd48b5ff291de05ba4374fb9.jpg and if that image has one defined for that area, this Subject or Crop area is used. If not, if falls back to the standard settings (in this case would just crop the image with a 16:9 ratio).


The version object just takes one parameter text. You can give it any string you want and it will change your image hash based on that.

One usecase is, when you'd like to manage different user metadata for the same image for different use cases. If you add a unique version dynamic metadata for each of them, you can organize them independently.

Another use case is that if you want to be sure, that an image embedded somewhere won't be deleted by another client, which also used this exact same image with the same hash. Then you would generate a different hash for both with a different version, and they won't delete each others images. Of course they still can via deleting by binary hash, if they really want to. But with a different hash for each client (or article for example), they don't have to know about each other and you don't need to keep track of where that image is also used. But keep in mind, that even if it's the same image, due to a different hash, an end user has to download it again for each hash.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT  https://api.rokka.io/sourceimages/testorganization/0dcabb778d58d07ccd48b5ff291de05ba4374fb9/meta/dynamic/version \
  -d '{
  "text": "someVersionHere"
$newHash = $client->setDynamicMetadata(new Version("someVersionHere"), $hash, 'test', ['deletePrevious' => false]);

You can also search for that version string with eg.

curl https://api.rokka.io/sourceimages/testorganization/?dynamic:str:version:text=someVersionHere