Upload and Render an Image

Upload Image into an Organization

You have your user, know how to authenticate and created an organization. Now let's upload an image!

curl -X POST -F filedata=@image.jpg 'https://api.rokka.io/sourceimages/testorganization'
/** @var \Rokka\Client\Image $imageClient */ 
$imageClient->uploadSourceImage(file_get_contents('image.jpg'), 'image.jpg');

The previous cURL command does a POST request on api.rokka.io, with an image under ./image.jpg for an organization called testorganization. The @ sign instructs cURL to send the binary data of the specified file. If the upload was successful, it returns the metadata in the "source image" structure, for example:

    "total": 1,
    "sourceimages": [
            "hash": "c03683b067927d77973b458e0baa40aa7b5e5418",
            "short_hash": "c03683",
            "binary_hash": "05bf2c88f637e6361db31b094b09cfce95a7809c",
            "created": "2017-11-09T16:49:23+01:00",
            "name": "image.jpg",
            "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
            "format": "jpg",
            "size": 426884,
            "width": 800,
            "height": 600,
            "organization": "testorganization",
            "link": "/sourceimages/testorganization/c03683b067927d77973b458e0baa40aa7b5e5418"

Keep track of the hash you were returned. You will need this hash to display the image. The hash does not change when you upload the same image again, but is guaranteed to change if the image changes in any way. When you display the image, it can be cached for a long time, as the URL changes when the image content changed.

The short_hash is a shorter, still unique version of the hash and can be used everywhere (rendering and API request) instead of the full hash. Therefore it's enough if you save the short hash for referencing to that image later.

The full hash is always exactly 40 characters long, the short_hash is at least 6 character and at most 40 characters long.

Creating a Stack

Now that your image is uploaded, you can create a stack to render our image with custom operations. Let's say we want to resize our images to have them display as thumbnails in our app.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT 'https://api.rokka.io/stacks/testorganization/thumbnail' -d '[
        "name": "resize",
        "options": {
            "width": 200,
            "height": 200

$resize = new \Rokka\Client\Core\StackOperation('resize', ['width' => 200, 'height' => 200]); $stack = new \Rokka\Client\Core\Stack(); $stack->setName('thumbnail')->addStackOperation($resize); $stack = $client->saveStack($stack); var_dump($stack); // print out stack data

This does a PUT request that creates a thumbnail stack for our testorganization. The body of the message defines the operations to use. As that argument is an array, you can define multiple operations that are applied in the specified order. A successful response returns the resulting stack definition.

You can also create stacks which deliver just the original image, even unprocessed at all. See stacks for more details.

See operations for the definition of all available operations and their arguments.

Also a highly recommended reading is the "Best practices for stack configurations " chapter.

Rendering an Image

Now let's render our stack thumbnail with the previously uploaded image.jpg. Open the following URL in the browser to see the rendered image:


Notice that the organization name is a subdomain of rokka.io and that the stack is followed by the hash (or short_hash ) of the source image (not the original filename). If you want to use a file name, e.g. for SEO reasons, you can append a file name to the URL. (Technically, a name after the hash is simply ignored.):


There is also the dynamic rendering that allows to specify operations in the URL without creating a stack. You can also use stack rendering with custom options (explained in the rendering reference), if you need for instance different resizing options.

Rokka supports most common image formats for generating images, mainly JPEG, PNG, (animated) GIF, WebP, JPEG 2000, HEIC and many more.